Harvest of the Month: Snow Peas

Snow peas used to only be seen in Chinese restaurants and Asian stir-fry. Now they are everywhere. They have edible pods, making them versatile and easy to prepare, and are one of the first spring vegetables available.

Snow peas are easily confused with snap peas because they both have edible pods and look similar, however, snow peas are flat with tiny seeds that are barely visible through the pods, while sugar snap pods are plump with visible peas. Snow peas are low in calories and high in vitamins A and C, making them a great addition to a healthy diet.

How to Select

Snow peas should be green, up to three inches long, and have a smooth, firm skin. Avoid peas that are cracked, wilted, overgrown, or spotted.

How to Store

It is best to consume snow peas within two days. For longer storage, they can be washed, drained, and refrigerated in a perforated bag for up to one week.

How to Prepare

There are a wide variety of ways to prepare snow peas. No matter how you prepare them, be sure to rinse them, remove the tip of each snow pea, and pull out the tough string that runs along the side. Then they can be sautéed, steamed, roasted, included in a stir fry, or even eaten raw. Add them to a vegetable tray when entertaining; they are great for dipping, don’t require any chopping, and are a fun alternative to celery. An easy side dish is prepared by sautéing the peas in sesame oil with minced garlic and red pepper and sprinkling sesame seeds on top.

Try snow peas in the delicious recipe for Snow Peas with Toasted Almonds from Epicurious.com.

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