Harvest of the Month: Peaches

Nothing says summer like the arrival of peaches. This sweet, sticky, and delicious fruit is often a favorite of children and parents alike—but how much do you really know about selecting and preparing peaches? A member of the rose family and originating in China, peaches are good in both savory and sweet dishes. Depending on the variety, this low-calorie fruit can be found at the market from June to September.

How to select

When selecting peaches, look for ones that are free of punctures, bruises, and signs of decay. If you plan to eat your peaches right-away, look for ones that yield to gentle pressure and are slightly soft at their tip. You can also purchase peaches that are more firm and ripen them at home. Avoid those that are excessively hard as they won’t develop a good flavor. Quality peaches are rich in color. Steer clear of peaches with green-undertones. That’s a sign they were picked too early.

How to store

Unripened peaches can be left at room temperature. The fruit matures quickly though, so check on them daily. Once they are ripe, peaches can be stored in the refrigerator for a few days. Peaches can also be frozen. Just remove their pit before placing them in the freezer to maximize flavor.

How to prepare

Peaches are delicious as is. Simply wash the fruit, slice length wise, give it a twist to remove the pit, and eat. There is no need to peel this fruit! Peaches are also good in recipes where they are grilled, baked, or poached.

Try peaches in the delicious recipe for Summer Peach Salsa from The Kitchn.

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