Improve Your Kids’ Health

Parents spend a lot of time worrying about the factors that affect a child’s health. The good news is that, rather than trying to address countless variables, you can make a big difference by focusing on just a few factors. Here are five that can have a profound impact.

Eat at home. This not only will likely lead to better food choices, but countless studies have shown that families that sit down for meals together have stronger communication, deeper relationships and better overall health.

Clear the air. Banning smoking in your home not only will reduce your child’s risks for asthma, ear infections, respiratory infections and more, it also will reduce the likelihood that they’ll be attracted to smoking themselves.

Get them moving. Whether your kids participate in organized sports or simply get outside and run around, make sure they move their bodies every day so they learn that exercise is fun and feels great.

See the doctor. Regular doctor visits can ensure that your child is on track developmentally, stays up-to-date on immunizations and is generally healthy as well as catch health issues early so treatment can begin quickly.

Set a good example. Demonstrate good health habits – exercise, eat well, get plenty of sleep, see the doctor regularly, and so on – and you have a better chance of passing good health habits on to your kids

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