Harvest of the Month: Winter Squash

Winter squash are some of the most versatile ingredients of the season. They are an excellent source of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Winter squash differ from summer squash in that they are harvested in the fall. Most varieties can be stored and enjoyed for use throughout the winter.

There are several types of winter squash that can easily be used in soups and stews, mixed with grains and salads, or on their own as a simple side dish. The squash’s thick, protective skin keeps it from going soft for long periods of time. Winter squash are convenient to buy and have on hand for whenever the mood strikes.

How to Select

Choose squash that is heavy for its size and does not have soft spots, bruises, or mold. Bumps and discoloration on the skin are fine. You can find winter squash can be found at farmers markets – hubbard squash is large and thick-skinned while the acorn squash is small.

Remember: All squash are similar. Try a less-familiar funny-shaped squash; it won’t be much different from other squash you may have worked with before.

How to Store

Squash should be stored in a place that is dark, dry, ventilated, and cool (around 50-55°F) until you are ready to use it.

How to Prepare

Winter squash is versatile and can be baked, roasted, steamed, sautéed, or cooked in the microwave. Use a recipe or be creative in your kitchen when you prepare the squash in your kitchen.

Try Winter Squash in a Roasted Seasoned Winter Squash Medley.

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