Find a Walking Buddy

Being held accountable can be some of the best motivation you’ll find. Find a buddy who will join you on your walks and can help you reach your health goals.

Join a club

While walking with a friend or family member sounds great, it may be hard to find someone who is willing to commit to a weekly walking schedule. Consider joining a walking club or weight loss group in your area. You can connect with others who are just as motivated to get out and walk.

Two-way street

Deciding to start a walking program is a commitment. Your walking buddy is counting on you, just as much as you’re counting on them. Unexpected events happen, so notify your walking buddy of any conflicts as far in advance as possible. Here are a few more tips to help you and your walking buddy find success:

  1. Agree on a route before starting and make sure you are both comfortable with the same speed.
  2. Keep your conversation light.
  3. Try not to answer the phone unless it’s an emergency. Keep non-emergency calls to a minimum.

Furry friends

Dogs are some of the best and most motivating walking partners. Not only can they be persistent in demanding a walk, they will never call you with an excuse. If you don’t have a canine friend, there are alternatives. Consider volunteering at your local Humane Society. There are many dogs who need to be walked.

Learn more!

Find a walking club near you by going to, or If you’re feeling bold, start your own walking group! Click here to learn how to get started.

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