A Health and Wellness Boost

Did you know that volunteers tend to live longer than people who don’t give back to their communities? Here are just a few reasons why volunteering is good for you!

Stay connected

Relationships take work and as we get older it’s often hard to find time to nurture and maintain them. Yet studies consistently show that the more socially connected people are, the better their physical and mental health. Volunteering enables you to spend time with friends and family, and create new relationships built around shared interests and values.

Enjoy life more

We’re wired to give back. Regular volunteering boosts self-esteem and leads to greater satisfaction with life. It’s also been shown to lower rates of depression. What better reasons to be generous with your time, talents, and treasure!

Keep moving

Volunteering can be a great way to get some physical activity! While not all volunteer opportunities involve hard manual labor, many of them involve physical activity. Whether building a house with Habitat for Humanity or walking dogs with the Humane Society, volunteering can help you stay fit.

Learn Something New

As we get older, the chance to learn new skills and information seems to drop off. But keeping your mind engaged by learning ‘new tricks’ into older age is a great way to fend off diseases like Alzheimers and other forms of dementia. Use volunteer opportunities as ways to stay moving and explore new interests.

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