Enhance Your Environment, Enhance Your Health

If you are anything like me, you can’t wait to get outside in the shining sun this time of year—with sunscreen, of course. Any excuse to leave the office at lunch time or to take my dog for an extra-long walk always come out this time of year.

Luckily, spending time outside is actually good for our body and minds. According to a study published in 2009 by the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, the closer you live to nature, the healthier you are likely to be. Additionally, people who live closer to green space experience less depression and anxiety. However, if you do not live in a city with much green space, that is okay! You can still experience the benefits by spending time in city parks and exercising near green space.

If you enjoy the outdoors, you may be alarmed by the news on how our climate is changing. Whether or not you subscribe to the theories of global warming, humans without a doubt have a huge impact on our environment. Here are some things you may do to preserve the beauty of the earth around you:

  1. Support local parks by getting outside and utilizing their benefits. Typically parks get funding from the state, city, and/or county based on the traffic they receive. The best way to support your park is to use it! Also, be sure to take advantage of any park-based events for you and your children.
  2. Recycle. No matter how many times we hear this, we throw recyclables into the trash all the time. Many neighborhoods have recycling programs you can sign up for. You can also encourage your employer to offer on-site recycling to help reduce waste.
  3. Make the space around your home beautiful. We may only have a tiny space to call our own, but we can make it beautiful. Most homes, apartments, and/or condos have a place for a few flowers or décor. No matter how small the space, make it part of the beautiful outside space.

If we each do our small part of supporting the spaces around us, recycling, and taking care of our homes, everyone will have more access to the beautiful outdoors. It is just one more step on the path to a more livable, beautiful environment for everyone, as well as improving our health!

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