Trends Affecting the American Healthcare Industry

We are in the midst of immense change in the healthcare industry. Technological evolution is profoundly impacting interaction with healthcare professionals. This year millions of Americans will experience their first video consultation with a physician. Smartphones will be used as diagnostic tools. These tools will force health care to evolve to allow access to care anytime and anywhere.

Of course, the costs associated with the improved technology, access, and treatments will be a hotly contested issue politically and individually. The PWC Health Research Institute recently published the top health industry issues of 2016, which include:

• Cybersecurity concerns. Medical device security will garner more attention as breaches become more common and costly.
• Behavioral healthcare no longer on the back burner. Employers and insurers recognize mental health as key to keeping costs down, productivity up, and consumers healthy.
• Database tools improve patient care. New databases and database tools can be used to analyze information about consumers in new and novel ways.
• How much does it really cost? Calculating the true cost of services can uncover opportunities to become more efficient and improve care.

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