Care For the Women in Your Life

Want to care for the women in your life … your sister, mother, friend, daughter, niece, and so on? Help them care for themselves. Here are five ways to support women you love in their health journeys.

Urge her to see the doctor. Make sure the women in your life are getting regular check-ups, including screenings such as pap smears, mammograms, heart checks, and diabetes tests.

Encourage her hobbies and passions. The impact of mental health on overall health cannot be overstated, and helping your female friends and loved ones engage in things that make them happy will help them to be mentally strong.

Support a healthy diet. Healthy food is the foundation for a healthy life. Encourage the women in your life to eat well, and make it even easier by joining them in a more nutritious diet. That way everyone wins.

Get active with her. Most people find it easier to exercise with others. Be that other, urging females
you care about to get active in whatever way – and at whatever level – works for them.

Help her stop smoking. While smoking among women has declined, one in 10 women smoke, and the rates are higher in some ethnic and social groups. Help a woman you love get healthier by helping her stop smoking and vaping.

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