Strengthen your heart

If a man’s body had an engine, it would be the heart. And everyone knows an engine won’t operate if it’s neglected. That’s why it’s essential that men do what it takes to keep their hearts running smoothly. Following are five ways you can do that.  

See your doctor. Your health provider can test your heart health and your risk factors by checking your blood pressure, cholesterol and sugar levels and then recommend measures for addressing any red flags.

Move. Like any muscle, the heart gets stronger with exercise. One study found that men who exercise regularly had a 25% lower likelihood of death.

Quit smoking. Yes, easier said than done, but absolutely worth it. If you smoke, quitting is probably the best thing you can do for your heart.

Eat better. That doesn’t just mean eliminating bad foods – although you should – but also seeking out heart-healthy foods, including green veggies, fruits and low-fat proteins.

Reduce stress. Biochemically, your body has 1,400 responses to stress, including high blood pressure and faster heart rates. While it’s impossible to eliminate stress completely, cut out stressors you can control and find constructive ways to deal with the rest. Your heart will thank you

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