Back to School Health.

School is where your kids go to get an education, participate in sports, and enjoy new experiences. Unfortunately, it’s also where they might
go to pick up the latest bug or suffer an injury. Prepare your child for the good and the bad by getting the school year off to the right start from a health perspective.

The best way to do that? Preparation and prevention. Here are some tips:

  • Get a check-up. All kids need regular check-ups, and the approaching school year is a good excuse to make appointments with the doctor, dentist, optometrist, and other healthcare providers. Don’t wait until the last minute, though. You might not be able to get an appointment before class begins.
  • Get all the shots. Love ’em or hate ’em, immunizations save and improve lives. To help your kids avoid the flu and worse, make sure their shots are up to date.
  • Sight and sound. Vision and hearing play a big role in academic success. Make sure to have your child’s eyes and ears checked annually.
  • Fill out the forms. Having the right information on hand helps schools deal with – and even prevent – illnesses or injuries. Ensure the information on your school’s emergency and medical information forms is up-to-date and remember to include an updated list of medications your child takes, especially if they need to take them during the day.
  • Stock up. Have your child’s prescriptions filled before the school year starts, and be sure to have needed inhalers, epinephrine injectors, or other drug delivery devices on hand.

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