5 Things You Can Do To Prevent Health Problems

In recent years, the world of medicine has put greater emphasis on illness prevention, and for good reason: Prevention measures reduce the incidence of chronic illness, increase lifespans and improve quality of life. You can get in step with this trend by following a few simple guidelines. Here are five that can make a difference.

Get screened. Health screenings can detect everything from cancers and heart disease to HIV and hepatitis. Find out what screenings you and your family should consider based on age and gender at health.gov/myhealthfinder.

Get moving. Even a small increase in physical activity can have a big impact on your health, lowering your risk of early death by a number of measures. Experts recommend about two and a half hours of exercise in the course of a week.

Eat well. Americans consume too much fatty protein, too much sugar and too many processed foods. Replace most of that with fresh food, low-fat proteins and fruit and vegetables and your health will improve.

Take your medicine. Too many of us skip medications due to cost, laziness or other issues. However, medications prevent or cure illnesses or help you contend with symptoms, all of which can add years to your life.

Don’t smoke. If you smoke, try reducing it or quitting. It will prevent a lengthy list of ailments, for you and those around you.

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