June: National Safety Month

Why is this important?

Safety is crucial both inside and outside the workplace. National Safety Month focuses on saving lives and preventing injuries. Providing employees with First Aid, CPR and AED training can be a key part of a workplace safety initiative.  70% of deaths from heart attacks occur before reaching the hospital. Being trained in CPR can be the difference between life and death in those critical moments.

What you can do:

  • Pursue CPR / First Aid certification. Click here to find a class near you through the American Red Cross.
  • Learn about defensive driving and consider completing a course online or at a local school. Check out defensivedriving.org for more information.
  • Prepare to respond in an emergency. Build a disaster supply kit including water, non-perishable food, a flashlight, first aid kit and other materials. Click here to access a list of materials to add to your disaster supply kit.

Download June’s Monthly Health Observance Flyer Here

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