Change Your Perspective

With the start of a new year, many of us want to take new control of our world. Unfortunately, the world doesn’t always cooperate. If we change our perspective, we can feel like we’ve changed the world. Here are five ways to get started.

Change your inputs. If the information, entertainment and conversation in your life is negative, you’ll feel negative. Focus on positive “inputs” and you’ll have a more positive life.

Speak positive self-talk. Encourage yourself. Applaud yourself. Some people even suggest speaking to yourself in third person: “You did a great job on that project.” “You can run that extra mile.” “You’ve got this.” It might feel silly at first, but it will feel great after a while.

Don’t let momentary challenges have long-term impact. Make “This too shall pass” your mantra for the bad times.

Manage expectations. We often become disappointed because we hoped for things that weren’t realistic. Set attainable expectations … and aim to surpass them.

Look for the benefit. Author Napoleon Hill said every catastrophe includes “the seed of an equal or greater benefit.” Look for the benefit in even the toughest situations. Or, to put it more familiarly, find the silver lining in every cloud

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