Be Prepared With a Home First Aid Kit

In many households, responding to an injury means scurrying around to a half-dozen places searching for whatever is needed to help the injured person … and then realizing you don’t have what you need.
That’s why your home needs a first aid kit. Certainly, you can purchase preassembled kits, but you also can put together your own. The key is having the right items all in one place. To get you started, the American Red Cross recommends a list of items, including the following:

  • Bandages, sterile gauze pads, roll bandages and triangular bandages in a variety of sizes and types
  • Adhesive cloth tape
  • Antibiotic ointment, antiseptic wipes and hydrocortisone ointment
  • Aspirin
  • An instant cold compress
  • Nonlatex gloves
  • An oral thermometer
  • Tweezers
  • A one-way-valve breathing barrier

For a complete list, go to While these items will help you prepare for just about any household injury, the kit will be useless if you don’t know where it is. So be certain to keep it in an easily accessible location that everyone is aware of and to return it to that spot after any use. Also, be sure to restock it after each use and check it regularly to make sure none of the items are out-of-date.

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