Traveling with Benefits

When planning trips and vacations, health coverage is one of those things we seldom consider but probably should. After all, accidents and illnesses can occur while you’re traveling, and if they do, you’ll want to know that you or your family member will be taken care of. But how can you be sure? Following are some things to keep in mind.

Pack your card. This might seem like a no-brainer, but be sure your health coverage card is in your wallet before you go.

In case of emergency. The good news is that all health plans are required to cover you at in-network rates for emergencies, no matter where you are. The trick? Understanding what your benefits provider considers an emergency.

Pre-trip check. If you’re going somewhere for more than a few days, it might be worth your time to check your benefits provider’s website before you leave to identify in-network providers where you’re going.

In-network on the road. Just like at home, if you need healthcare while you’re on a trip, check your benefits provider’s website to search for an in-network provider before visiting a health care provider.

You might have to pay. Regardless of what’s covered, if you’re in an area that your benefits provider typically doesn’t serve, you might have to pay upfront and get reimbursed after the fact.

Make the call. Of course, the easiest way to get answers is to call the customer service number on your health benefits ID card. If that doesn’t lead to answers, call your HR person, and they should be able to help.

Going abroad? If you’re traveling out of the country, call your benefits provider to make sure you understand what is and isn’t covered. For example, some plans will cover travel back to the U.S. for care if you need it; others won’t. It would be good to know before you go what your plan covers.

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