Fit for Fall

We often focus our fitness makeovers on the beginning of a new year, but fall is actually a great time to step up your health. Cooler weather makes getting out more comfortable, fall sports invite participation, and the shifting season simply offers the opportunity for a fresh start. The trick is remembering it doesn’t take radical actions to deliver results.
So, fall into fitness by starting with a few simple steps:

Get out! Now that you don’t swelter simply by stepping out the door, make the great outdoors your playground. Walk, jog, bike, hike, rake leaves, prep the garden for the winter … anything that gets you outside. The fresh air alone will do you good, but moving around, even a little, will improve your overall health.

Get in the habit. Changing routines is hard, but if you push through the initial challenge of establishing a new schedule, you’ll find you have time for taking care of yourself. Set the alarm a little earlier, find a fitness trail near your office, stop at the gym on your way home, or find other ways to shake things up. After a few weeks of pushing yourself to change your habits, you’ll find you have new, better habits.

Get together. Enlist family and friends in your new habits and you’ll be more likely to succeed – and you’ll get the added benefit of spending more time together.

Take these three small steps to develop a foundation for fall fitness and you’ll find that, when it’s time for New Year’s resolutions, you’ll already be a big step ahead.

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