Take Time to Make Time

Take a few minutes each day or week to write down tasks and obligations. This will help you stay on track, feel less overwhelmed, and be more productive. Here are three tips to help you “add” more time to your day:

Make a to-do list

  1. Organize your list in a way that makes sense to you.
  2. Eliminate your most urgent tasks first so you can have more time to devote to other things.
  3. There are several very useful web-based time management tools, such as Wunderlist, Any.do, and Remember the Milk.

Identify when you are most productive

  1. Are you a morning person or night owl, or do you love getting work done in the afternoon? Recognize what hours of the day you are most productive and strive to do most of your work during that time.

Make the most of your day

  1. Avoid the snooze button. You press it once, you press it twice. Get started on your day without delay.
  2. Ignore your email alerts. By ignoring these alerts, you will be able to focus and finish the task at hand. Then you can go back and see what emails came through. If it is urgent, your co-worker will call or come speak to you in person.
  3. Give yourself deadlines. Even if it’s a deadline to leave the office at 5:00 pm, setting a deadline gives you a clear period in which to manage your tasks for the day.

Learn More

Looking for help with your time management? Try the free online tool Evernote, at Evernote.com or by downloading the mobile app.

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