Five Ways to Practice Gratitude
The holiday season is full of joy, giving, and cheer. Oftentimes, the season is also full of stress, traveling, and a jam-packed schedule; it is very hard to stop and think what we are grateful for and appreciate in our lives. Here are some tips for how to practice gratitude:
- Keep a gratitude journal and write down what you are grateful for each day. This will force you to appreciate something in your life every single day.
- If you identify something or someone with a negative trait, switch that in your mind to a positive one. This will allow you to have a more positive and grateful outlook on life.
- Give someone at least one compliment a day. This will not only make you feel good, but it will make others feel good and appreciate you, too.
- When you find you’re in a bad situation, ask yourself: “What can I learn?” It will make the bad situation a learning experience that you will be grateful for later.
- Become involved in a cause that is important to you. You can donate time, money, or a talent you have. By joining, you will have greater appreciation for the organization and feel good about yourself for the contribution.
Tags: grateful, practice gratitude