Stay Healthy During Football Season

For many people, football season can be the precursor to holiday weight gain. We go from active lifestyles in the summer to six months of sitting and watching football on TV, consuming game favorites like nachos, wings, and beer.

Before we know it, the holiday season is upon us – a time that proves to be difficult to maintain weight. However, our health doesn’t have to take this downhill slide!

Most football games don’t begin until lunch time. If you aren’t already a morning workout person, then switch your exercise routine to get it in before the big game starts, and before your body starts to feel sluggish from sitting and eating less healthy food.

If you are hosting a football get-together, provide plenty of fruits and vegetables as snacks, or try a healthier version of a favorite game dish, such as nachos with salsa and black beans instead of heavy cheese.

Don’t forget community and social wellness this football season! If you see your favorite team play live, check to see if the football stadium is hosting any sort of donation or drive that day—many NFL teams support donations at the game including drives for children’s books, backpacks, and winter coats.

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