Stay Active this Winter

While it’s easy to believe that winter is the time to get cozy under a blanket and not come out until spring, severely curtailing your physical activity during the cold months can put a real dent in your physical and mental health. That’s why it’s important for you to fight the “hunker down” impulse and get
out and move this winter. Here are a few tips for staying active.

Embrace the season. Don’t lament the arrival of winter; celebrate it by taking up ice skating, snowshoeing, skiing or other outdoor winter activities. Not that ambitious? Simply taking regular winter walks will put you ahead of the game.

Dress right. Nordic types say there’s no such thing as bad weather; only bad clothing. Invest in good cold-weather training clothes, layer up and get out there

Move your regular activities indoors. Runners, find a track or treadmill. Cyclists, sign up for a spin class or get an indoor trainer. Racquet-sport players, check out racquetball courts. In other words, whatever you do, find an indoor alternative and keep going.

Buddy up. Find a friend who wants to stay active and meet up regularly for activities. Hold each other accountable.

Seek the sunshine. While it can be difficult to fit in sun time around work and school schedules during the winter months, make a point of it: The sun can have a big impact on your physical and emotional well-being.

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