Get Your House in Shape This Fall

Spring cleaning gets a lot of attention every year, but fall cleaning can be every bit as important for keeping your house in shape. Plus, tackling a few jobs around the house now will make spring cleaning less onerous and the winter months more pleasant.

As gardening author and editor Michelle Gervais wrote in Fine Gardening, “If you haven’t finished battening down the hatches and tucking in everything for winter, you won’t rest easily and spring will reveal a much bigger cleanup job than you expected.”

One tip for getting this done, offered by, is to start by following the same checklist you use for spring cleaning – with the possible alternation that you might start with the outdoor chores so you can move indoors as the days get shorter and colder.

Regardless of the order you do them in, your jobs should prepare both your indoor and outdoor areas for the months ahead. Following are few tips for getting the job done.

Prepare your outdoor furniture. Your patio furniture is made to withstand the elements, but winters can be hard on it. If you can move furniture it indoors, do so, making sure to clean it before you pack it away. If not, look into covering it so it will be protected from the worst of winter.

Care for garden tools. Before putting rakes, shovels, clippers and such away for the winter, make sure they’re clean and in good shape. If you have time to sharpen them before putting away, you’ll thank yourself in the spring.

Shut down the water works. Disconnect hoses and, if feasible, shut off water to outdoor spigots.

Check the water flow. Make sure gutters and downspouts are in working order. Clogging and freezing outside can create serious problems inside your home.

Check the HVAC. Reasonable people can debate the value of regular HVAC system check-up agreements, but there’s no question that you should make sure your furnace is working well before winter rolls in. At the very least, replace the filter, clean all of your vents and fire up the furnace to make sure it works long before the nights get cold.

Replace smoke and carbon monoxide detector batteries. Those little plastic things hanging on the wall won’t keep your family safe this winter if the batteries are dead. Put yourself on a regular replacement schedule.

Clean and switch ceiling fans. If you have ceiling fans, now is a good time to switch the direction they rotate and to make sure the blades are dust-free. You’ll be happier and healthier if you do.

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