Harvest of the Month: Kiwi

If ever a fruit came with a lesson, it would be the kiwi, which teaches us that something that’s ugly on the outside can be wonderful on the inside.

Rough, brown and hairy, the kiwi (also known as kiwifruit or Chinese gooseberry) might look unappealing, but its flavor is sweet and refreshing. More important, perhaps, as a source of nutrition, the kiwi is a real beauty, serving up powerful doses of vitamins C and K, antioxidants and other nutrients. In scientific studies, kiwis have been linked to reductions in cancers, better bone health, lower blood pressure and more.

When shopping for kiwis, you’ll have better luck judging them by feel than appearance. Certainly, choose ones that are free of blemishes and dents, but, for the best flavor, pick out the ones that give a little when you squeeze them. Harder kiwis will be sourer.

Once you get your kiwis home, you can store them for a day or two in a fruit basket away from sunlight. To keep them longer, store them in the refrigerator, where they’ll keep for up to three weeks.

Try March’s recipe: Poblano and Ground Pork Tacos with Kiwi Salsa

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