Have a Safe COVID-Era Thanksgiving

Here’s the bad news: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says typical Thanksgiving celebrations are out for this year. Large gatherings with people from out of town are simply too risky. But, that doesn’t mean you can’t celebrate Thanksgiving. It just means it will have to be different. Here are some ideas for making it work:

Keep it small. The CDC says the risk of spreading the virus increases with the number of people in a gathering. Plan for a small gathering.

Take it outdoors. Yes, it might be chillier than you like, but taking your celebration outdoors gives you an opportunity to do something festive and creative … and safe.

Get tested. Ask anyone who might have been exposed to the virus to get tested before getting together.

Say “no” if you’re feeling sick. If you or someone in your family is under the weather, pass along regrets rather than running the risk of passing along the virus.

Set boundaries. Make sure everyone attending your gathering understands the expectations for social distancing, wearing masks and more.

Leverage technology. A Zoom meal won’t be the same as having everyone around the same table, but it will be safer … and you can still share stories, tell jokes and argue about politics.

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