Summer of Health

Summer tends to be a time when we focus on rejuvenating ourselves, and even though some of this summer’s activities might be limited by COVID-19 (see related article, next page), there’s no reason why you can’t improve your health during the warmer months.

The process starts with grabbing the best summer has to offer: fresh foods, great weather, long days and, usually, a little extra free time. Here are some tips for making this a summer of health.

Eat better. Take advantage of the increased availability of fresh fruits and vegetables to develop better eating habits.

Move it. Summer offers a lot of exercise options that masquerade as fun: swimming, biking, walking, backyard games and more.

Hydrate. Water is life. It keeps the body moving, aids in digestion, creates healthier skin, contributes to weight loss, and more.

Get together. Being with people makes us all happier and healthier. Even in times of “social distancing,” find ways to connect.

Mind the details. Floss. Stretch. Wear sunscreen. You know … all those little things that you should do. Start doing them this summer.

Relax. Rest and relaxation are good for you. Make sure you slow down every now and then, and get plenty of sleep.

Follow those tips, and you’ll have a healthy summer. And, if you turn those tips into habits that last beyond Labor Day, you can stay healthy in every season.

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