Rest Easy: Learn About Coverage for Sleep Issues and Treatments

If you have serious problems getting a good night’s sleep, you’re not alone. As many as 70 million Americans live with some form of sleep disorder, and the effects go beyond next-day drowsiness. Sleep problems have been linked to serious health problems including heart disease, depression, and obesity.

Most sleep disorders are covered by health insurance. You can confirm your coverage by contacting your benefits provider.

Before you do, it might help to have some basic information.

What qualifies as a sleep disorder? Any sleep issue that affects your overall health and ability to engage in everyday activities might be classified as a sleep disorder. Of the more than 70
recognized sleep disorders, four are most common: insomnia, sleep apnea, narcolepsy, and restless leg syndrome.

If I think I have a sleep disorder, what should I do? Contact a primary care provider, who might refer you to a specialist. As always, choose an in-network provider whenever possible.

If my doctor thinks I have a sleep disorder, what happens then? You’ll likely be asked to participate in a sleep study. Most insurers cover sleep studies, but be sure to follow your coverage provider’s protocol. Some require a home study first and others will designate specific sleep centers for testing.

If I do have a sleep disorder, how will it be treated, and will treatment be covered? Healthcare providers have several options for treating sleep disorders, including medications, breathing devices, behavioral therapy, oral guards, and surgery. Treatments that are covered varies by benefits provider. Check with your benefits provider before beginning any treatment program.

Bottom line: Most diagnosed sleep disorders are covered; however, your coverage depends on your benefits and the treatment course you and your healthcare provider choose. What’s most important is this: Don’t sleep on it. Get checked out now. You will benefit from a better life today and prevent more problems in the future.

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