Resolve to Keep Your Resolutions

You’ve made your New Year’s health resolutions. Now the question is: How will you stick to them? The answer: By relying on tools and support that make getting healthy fun and easy. Whether you want to eat better, quit smoking, exercise more, or just get healthier, here are tips that can help.

Get checked. It’s a cliché, but it’s true. Check with your healthcare provider before starting any new health or fitness plans. The good news? He or she can give you tips for sticking to your plan.

Get coached. Many benefits providers offer wellness coaches who will look at your health holistically and help you plan a safe, achievable plan for living a healthier lifestyle.

Partner up. Find a “resolution partner” who will encourage you and make being healthy fun.

Make it competitive. Compete with a friend or resolution partner to see who can get to the gym most often, who can go the longest without a Twinkie, etc. Make it a contest and you’ll be more likely to stick with it.

Put something on the line. Up the ante by putting some money in a pot, promising to give it to a charity, your resolution partner, or someone else if you miss your goal.

Tap your resources. If your employer offers on-site health coaching, classes, or flexible work times so you can pursue your health goals, make sure to take advantage.

Use your tools. Look to see what tools your health plan provides to support your efforts. Many plans include fitness plans, healthy living tips, helpful apps, and more.
You don’t have to pursue your goals alone. There are plenty of options for making it easier to achieve your goals. So happy New Year, and happy new you!

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