Plant a Great Garden

Spring brings with it a desire for growing things. Get your green thumb on by planting a garden. Following are some quick tips for getting started.

Start small. Few things kill a budding gardening hobby like being overwhelmed. Plant just a few things, not a massive garden. Next year, you can do more.

Dig in good soil. The best gardeners do their best work before they put plants or seeds into the ground, amending their soil to make it easier to dig and more likely to support plant growth. Not sure about your soil quality? Ask for advice at a local garden shop.

Grow what you like. Plant what you’ll enjoy, whether that’s beautiful flowers or tasty veggies, and the work will feel more rewarding.

Spend a few minutes every day. Don’t try to do all of your gardening in one day over the weekend. Things can get out of hand in a hurry. Do a little every day and you’ll stay ahead of problems … and give yourself a daily break from routines.

Water wisely. Too much or too little water will sink a garden. Water daily at the beginning of the season and cut back over time so roots go deeper. Quick tip: Yellow leaves usually mean too much water; green, wilted plants are thirsty!

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