Prepare Now for a Happy 2023

Often, we start thinking about New Year’s resolutions at around 11:57 on New Year’s Eve. Maybe that’s why fewer than 10% of us ultimately reach the goals we set at midnight. A better approach would be to start now and base resolutions on an assessment of the past year and a vision for the coming year. Here are a few steps to help you through this process.

Look back. Take time to think about 2022. What pleased you? What disappointed you? Be honest and build on what you learn as you look ahead.

Dream. What big ideas do you have? What audacious goals would you love to achieve? Don’t be limited by your history. Look forward to your future.

Answer the big question: “Why?” What motivation is at the heart of everything you do? Family? Creative pursuits? Financial security? Something else? Knowing your “why” helps you focus on things that support your ultimate aims.

Get S.M.A.R.T. Goals that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely have a better chance for success. Use this acronym to create an action plan for each resolution you make.

Engineer success. Create a system for tracking your “SMART” goals, and then use it as your guide for the
coming year. It will help you adjust for change, hold yourself accountable and celebrate successes.

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